Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Thermostat Housing Removal and Installation

Removal and Installation

1. Engine Coolant - Drain

2. Connector (A/F Sensor and Secondary HO2S Sensor) - Disconnect

Engine Cooling System - Service Information

  1. Disconnect the connectors (A)
  2. Remove the connector clamps (B) and the harness clamps (C).

3. Connector (Oil Pressure Switch) - Disconnect

Engine Cooling System - Service Information

  1. Disconnect the connector (A)
  2. Remove the harness holder clamp (B).

4. Thermostat - Remove

5. EGR Valve and EGR Pipe - Remove

6. Water Bypass Hose and Heater Hose - Disconnect

Engine Cooling System - Service Information

  1. Disconnect the water bypass hoses (A)
  2. Disconnect the heater hose (B).

7. Thermostat Housing - Remove

Engine Cooling System - Service Information
Fig. 2: Thermostat Housing With Torque Specifications

8. Connecting Pipe - Remove

Engine Cooling System - Service Information

  1. Remove the connecting pipe as needed.

9. All Removed Parts - Install

  1. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.


    • If the connecting pipe is removed, install the connecting pipe.
    • After installing all the removed parts, refill the radiator with engine coolant, and bleed the air from the cooling system.


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