Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Audio-Navigation System - Diagnostics

Honda HR-V (2015-2021) Service Manual / Accessories & Equipment / Audio-Navigation System - Diagnostics


 DTC 1002 SD Read Error

NOTE: Check the vehicle 12 volt battery condition first. This navigation DTC sets when there is a problem with the SD card. Before you troubleshoot, make sure to follow the General Troubleshooting

 DTC 1101 Media Bus Send Error

NOTE: Check the vehicle 12 volt battery condition first. This audio DTC sets when there is an internal error in BUS sending. Before you troubleshoot, make sure to follow the General Troubleshootin

 DTC 1102 USB Diag

NOTE: Check the vehicle 12 volt battery condition first. This navigation DTC sets when a problem is detected with the USB device that is connected to the USB port. Before you troubleshoot, make


 LaneWatch Symptom Troubleshooting - Does Not Switch To The Lanewatch Screen (NA)

LaneWatch Symptom Troubleshooting - Does not switch to the Lanewatch screen Does not switch to the Lanewatch screen 1. Lanewatch camera check: Start the engine. Go into the System Diagnostic Mode, and select the Detail Information & Setting. Audio unit - Refer to: Audio System Sound Qua

 Navigation System Symptom Troubleshooting - Voice Control Does Not Work/Respond

NOTE: Check the vehicle 12 volt battery condition first. Make sure that the latest navigation software is installed. Before assuming that a voice complaint is hardware related, ensure that the voice control system is being operated correctly: Make sure you are on the correct screen when tryi

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