Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Reverse Idler Gear Shaft Assembly Disassembly and Reassembly (M/T)

Exploded View

NOTE: Prior to reassembling, clean all parts in solvent, dry them, and apply MTF to all contact surfaces.

1. Reverse Idler Gear Shaft Assembly - Exploded View

Manual Transaxle - Testing & Troubleshooting
Fig. 18: Exploded View Of Reverse Idler Gear Shaft Assembly



1. Air Cleaner - Remove

2. Reverse Lockout Solenoid - Remove

Manual Transaxle - Testing & Troubleshooting

  1. Disconnect the connector (A)
  2. Remove the reverse lockout solenoid (B).

    NOTE: Do not directly hit the reverse lockout solenoid with the hammer.

3. Reverse Lockout Solenoid - Disassemble

Manual Transaxle - Testing & Troubleshooting

  1. Remove the pin (A), the select lock return spring (C), and select lock cam B.


1. Reverse Lockout Solenoid - Reassemble

Manual Transaxle - Testing & Troubleshooting

  1. Install the pin (A), the select lock return spring (C), and select lock cam B.

2. Reverse Lockout Solenoid - Install

Manual Transaxle - Testing & Troubleshooting

  1. Clean any dirt and oil from the sealing surface of the reverse lockout solenoid and the shift arm cover
  2. Apply liquid gasket (P/N 08C70- K0334M) evenly to the shift arm cover mating surface of the reverse lockout solenoid. Install the component within 5 minutes of applying the liquid gasket.

    NOTE: If too much time has passed after applying the liquid gasket, remove the old liquid gasket and residue, then reapply new liquid gasket.

Manual Transaxle - Testing & Troubleshooting
Fig. 19: Reverse Lockout Solenoid With Torque Specifications

  1. Install the reverse lockout solenoid (A)
  2. Connect the reverse lockout solenoid connector (B).

3. Air Cleaner - Install


Exploded View

NOTE: Prior to reassembling, clean all parts in solvent, dry them, and apply MTF to all contact surfaces.

1. Shift Fork - Exploded View

Manual Transaxle - Testing & Troubleshooting
Fig. 20: Exploded View Of Shift Fork


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