Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Keyless Access Control Unit - Diagnostics

Honda HR-V (2015-2021) Service Manual / Accessories & Equipment / Keyless Access Control Unit - Diagnostics


 DTC B1601 Keyless Access Control Unit Internal (CPU) Error

DTC (Keyless Access Control Unit) NOTE: If you are troubleshooting multiple DTCs, be sure to follow the instructions in B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode A - Refer to: Body Electrical Troubleshooting

 DTC B1602 Keyless Access Control Unit Internal (EEPROM) Error

DTC (Keyless Access Control Unit) NOTE: If you are troubleshooting multiple DTCs, be sure to follow the instructions in B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode A - Refer to: Body Electrical Troubleshooting

 DTC B1632 MTR CONT Signal Error

DTC (Keyless Access Control Unit) NOTE: If you are troubleshooting multiple DTCs, be sure to follow the instructions in B-CAN System Diagnosis Test Mode A - Refer to: Body Electrical Troubleshooting


 Symptom Troubleshooting

BRAKE SYSTEM SYMPTOM TROUBLESHOOTING - RAPID BRAKE PAD WEAR, VEHICLE VIBRATION (AFTER A LONG DRIVE), OR HIGH, HARD BRAKE PEDAL NOTE: Make sure that the caliper pins are installed correctly. The upper caliper pin and the lower caliper pin are different. If these caliper pins are installed in the wro

 EPS Symptom Troubleshooting - Steering Pull

Steering pull 1. EPS system check: Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode. Disconnect the following connectors. EPS control unit connector B (6P) EPS control unit connector C (2P) Test-drive the vehicle. Is there steering pull? YES Make sure the suspension is not modified, and adjust the whe

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