Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Wiper Motor Removal and Installation



1. Cowl Cover - Remove

2. Linkage Assembly - Remove

Exterior Trim - Service Information

  1. Disconnect the connector (A)
  2. Remove the wiper linkage assembly (B).

3. Windshield Wiper Motor - Remove

Exterior Trim - Service Information

  1. Note the alignment marks (A) on the wiper linkage assembly (B) and link (C), and remove the link
  2. Remove the connecting rod (D)
  3. Remove the wiper motor (E).

Rear Window

4. Rear Window Wiper Arm - Remove

5. Tailgate Lower Trim Panel - Remove - Refer to: Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Door Areas, or Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Tailgate Areas, or Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Rear Side Area, or Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Cargo Areas, or Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Pillar Areas (With Side Curtain Airbag), or Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Pillar Areas (Without Side Curtain Airbag)

6. Rear Window Wiper Motor - Remove

Exterior Trim - Service Information

  1. Disconnect the connector (A)
  2. Remove the rear window wiper motor (B).

Exterior Trim - Service Information

  1. Remove the cap (A).



1. Windshield Wiper Motor - Install

NOTE : Bolt threads are not provided on the new wiper motor. Install the wiper motor to the linkage as follows:

  1. Before installing the wiper motor, connect the windshield wiper motor connector.

Exterior Trim - Service Information

  1. Turn the vehicle to the ON mode, and then turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode
  2. Turn the wiper/washer switch WASH within 10 seconds, to return the wiper motor shaft to lower auto-stop position
  3. Disconnect the windshield wiper motor connector.

    NOTE :

    • Apply multipurpose grease to moving parts.
    • Check the wiper motor operation.
  4. Set the wiper motor (A) and the wiper linkage assembly (B), and tighten the bolts until the bolt head just contacts the linkage.

    NOTE :

    • Install the provided self-tapping bolts.
    • Keep the bolts perfectly straight while bolting them in.
    • Do not use air tools and impact wrenches.
  5. Loosen the bolts, then retighten the bolts to the specified torque
  6. Align the marks (C) on the link (D) and linkage, and install the link
  7. Install the connecting rod (E).

2. Linkage Assembly - Install

Exterior Trim - Service Information

  1. Connect the connector (A)
  2. Install the wiper linkage assembly (B). NOTE : Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.

3. Cowl Cover - Install

4. Windshield Wiper Arm/Nozzle - Adjust

Rear Window

5. Rear Window Wiper - Install

Exterior Trim - Service Information

  1. Align the position marks (A) when installing the cap (B).

Exterior Trim - Service Information

  1. Before reinstalling the wiper arm, connect the rear wiper motor connector, and turn the rear window wiper switch ON, then OFF to return the wiper shaft to the auto-stop position.

    NOTE :

    • Apply multipurpose grease to the moving parts.
    • Check the wiper motor operation.
  2. Install the rear window wiper motor (A)
  3. Connect the connector (B).

6. Tailgate Lower Trim Panel - Install - Refer to: Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Door Areas, or Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Tailgate Areas, or Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Rear Side Area, or Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Cargo Areas, or Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Pillar Areas (With Side Curtain Airbag), or Interior Trim Removal and Installation - Pillar Areas (Without Side Curtain Airbag)

7. Rear Window Wiper Arm - Install

8. Rear Window Wiper Arm - Adjust


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