General Operation
Refer to the Navigation Manual for the navigation system operating procedures.
How to Recognize Audio unit and Audio-Navigation Unit (Display Audio Type (7-Inch Screen) )
There are two kinds of 7-inch display audio units depending on vehicle model. These units exist as an audio unit (without navigation) and an audio-navigation unit (with navigation), appear the same, but the audio-navigation unit displays a Honda Globe screen after displaying a Honda logo screen every time when you turn the vehicle to the ACCESSORY mode.
If the unit does not displayed any screen according to failure of the unit or the vehicle, remove the unit, and check for connector C (24P) terminal No. 14. If the terminal is using a BLU wire (VSP line), the unit can be recognized as an audio-navigation unit.
Anti-Theft Feature
The audio-navigation unit has an anti-theft protection circuit. When one of the following occurs, the unit enters the anti-theft mode:
After the service, reconnect power to the audio-navigation unit, and turn the vehicle to the ON mode. There are two ways to exit the anti-theft mode:
If the code is unavailable, you can get the code from the iN using the audio-navigation unit serial number. The serial number can be found on a label attached to the audio-navigation unit.
Symptom Diagnosis
Certain circumstances and system limitations may result in occasional vehicle positioning errors. Some customers may think this indicates a problem with the navigation system when, in fact, the system is normal. Keep the following items in mind when interviewing customers about symptoms of the navigation system.
Self-Inertial Navigation Limitations
The limitations of the self-inertial portion of the navigation system (the gyro and the vehicle speed signal) can cause discrepancies between the vehicle's actual position and the indicated vehicle's position (GPS vehicle position).
The following circumstances may cause vehicle positioning errors:
Global Positioning System (GPS) Limitations
The GPS cannot detect the vehicle's position or elevation during the following instances:
The accuracy of the GPS is reduced during these instances:
LCD Unit Limitations
The LCD display built into the audio-navigation unit is touch sensitive. Touch the display directly to select items on the screen.
Symptom Duplication
When the symptom can be duplicated, verify that it is not a characteristic of the system. Review the Navigation System Manual and compare it to a known-good vehicle (with the same software and database), under the same conditions. If the symptom is not the same as the known-good vehicle, follow the self-diagnostic procedures and the appropriate troubleshooting procedures.
When the symptom does not reappear or only reappears intermittently, ask the customer about the conditions when the symptom occurred.
When troubleshooting navigation system problems, ensure that the known-good vehicle is the same software version year and model as the vehicle being serviced. Mixing incompatible navigation systems or other system components can delay the troubleshooting process by creating symptoms or issues unrelated to the original problem.
SD Card Module Service Precautions
The audio-navigation unit and the SD card module cannot be substituted separately for testing purposes. You can substitute a combined audio-navigation unit and SD card module with a known-good combined audio-navigation unit and SD card module. When the audio-navigation unit and the SD card module are connected to a vehicle, and powered up for the first time, the audio-navigation unit and the SD card module go through a mating process where the SD card module writes the audio-navigation unit's serial number to its memory.
The audio-navigation unit and the SD card module are available separately.
When you get a replacement audio-navigation unit, it does not come with an SD card module, but the unit is able to mate one time to an SD card module. When you connect the audio-navigation unit to the SD card module and power it up for the first time, the two components are mated. Once the audio-navigation unit is mated, it does not accept an SD card module that is already mated to another audio-navigation unit. It does accept a new SD card module.
The SD card module is removable from the audio-navigation unit. If the audio-navigation unit is replaced, install the original SD card module into the new audio-navigation unit.
When you transfer the SD card module, the map data, the system data, the application program, and all the customer's settings are transferred.
The SD card module is able to mate more than once, allowing you to transfer the SD card module with the customer's information to a new audio-navigation unit. The SD card module must mate to a new audio-navigation unit. It cannot mate to an audio-navigation unit that has been mated to another SD card module.
A new audio-navigation unit is defined as a unit that has not been mated to an SD card module. A new unit may be new or remanufactured.
System Initialization
If the navigation system loses power (like the 12 volt battery was disconnected), the navigation system requires initialization. Once completed, your system is ready to use.
This initialization requires the following:
GPS Initialization
NOTE: You must park the vehicle outside with a clear view of the sky.
Depending on the length of time the battery was disconnected, your system may require GPS initialization. If it does, the CSF screen appears:
If this procedure is not necessary, the system proceeds directly to the Disclaimer screen. During initialization, the system searches for all available GPS satellites, and obtains their orbital information. Park the vehicle out in the open with a clear view of the sky for this procedure.
If the navigation system finds the satellites properly, the CSF screen changes to the Disclaimer screen. If within 10 minutes the system fails to locate a sufficient number of satellites to locate your position, the confirmation screen appears.
If this screen appears, turn off the engine, then restart the vehicle and move it to a different location. If the Disclaimer screen appears, the GPS initialization is complete.
Map Matching
This part of the initialization matches the GPS coordinates with a road on the map screen. To do this part of the procedure, make sure that the navigation system displays a map, and drive the vehicle on a mapped road shown on the map screen. Do not enter a destination at this time. When the name of the current road you are driving on appears at the bottom of the screen, the entire procedure is complete. Your system is now ready to use.
Ordering Update Navigation Software
If the customer wants a yearly navigation software, update, there are two ways to purchase one. They can either call 1-888-628-6275, or order on-line at
When customers order an update navigation software, they need:
Update navigation software is available for purchase usually in the fall of each year. They may contain the following:
The update is loaded on a USB device which is mailed to the customer along with the passkey.
When the customer receives the USB device with the update, insert the USB device into the USB port. The customer is prompted to enter the passkey that is shipped with the update USB device. The navigation system automatically updates the navigation software.
NOTE: The update USB device is designed to update the vehicle with the submitted VIN. If a customer has more than one vehicle that needs updating, they need to order a separate update USB device for that vehicle.
Never promise your customer future free updates. There are no free programs for updating the navigation software. Updates are generally available for purchase each fall. The online navigation software order site provides information when an update is available.
Lever-Locked Connector
To disconnect the connector, pull the lever (A) while pushing the lock tab (B) down, then pull the connector (C).
To connect the connector, push the connector into the connector sleeve (A). As the connector is pressed in, the lever (B) moves to the locked position.
How to Check Error History (Navigation DTCs)
NOTE: The navigation DTCs cannot be retrieved with the HDS.
The Error History feature is to record intermittent audio/navigation issues that occur while the customer is using the system. Sometimes the customer complaint cannot be duplicated.
The error history may record the information needed to diagnose the problem. To check the error history:
1. Turn the vehicle to the ON mode
2. At any screen except the HOME screen, press and hold the EJECT button, the
button, and the HOME button until the Select Diagnosis Items menu screen is
NOTE: When HOME screen is displayed, the HOME button illumination goes out, and is hard to check.
Displaying Select Diagnosis Items Menu Screen
3. When the Select Diagnosis Items menu appears, select the Self-Diagnosis Mode
4. When the audio-navigation unit has hard error codes, the Error History icon (A) appears yellow. When no hard error codes are stored, the icon appears gray. To view the errors with their navigation DTC, select the Error History icon.
5. Select the Hard Error icon in the Error History menu.
NOTE: The Soft Error feature is for factory use only.
6. The Hard Error screen displays the following information by selecting the Date_Time icon (A):
NOTE: The Save feature is for factory use only.
7. Use the navigation DTC Troubleshooting table to troubleshoot the error. Select the Return icon to exit the Error History main menu.
How to Clear Error History
NOTE: The navigation DTCs cannot be deleted with the HDS.
8. Select the Clear icon in the Hard Error. The confirmation screen appears.
9. Select the Yes icon. All Hard Error histories are cleared. The system returns to the Error History menu automatically.