Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Front Stabilizer Bar Removal and Installation (AWD)


1. Vehicle - Lift

2. Front Wheels - Remove

3. Steering Column Tilt and Telescopic Position - Set

  1. Set the steering column to the center tilt position, and to the center telescopic position.

4. Steering Wheel - Hold

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  1. Center the steering wheel spoke angle
  2. Install a commercially available steering wheel holder tool (A).

5. Steering Joint Cover - Remove

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6. Steering Joint - Disconnect

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  1. Hold the spline shaft (A) on the column with a piece of wire (B) between the joint yoke (C) of the spline shaft and the joint yoke (D) of the spline tube to prevent the lower spline shaft from pulling out.

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  1. Remove the steering joint bolt (A).

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  1. Disconnect the steering joint (A) from the pinion shaft (B).


    • If the center guide (C) is in place and has not moved, leave it in place.
    • If the center guide has come off, discard it.

7. Under-Floor TWC - Remove - Refer to: Warm Up TWC Removal and Installation (KA/KC), or Under-Floor TWC Removal and Installation (KA/KC)

8. Propeller Shaft - Remove

9. Stabilizer Link - Disconnect

  1. Disconnect both sides of the stabilizer link from the stabilizer bar.

10.Front Splash Shield - Remove

11.Torque Rod Mounting Bolt - Remove

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12.Front Subframe - Lift Down

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  1. Attach a wood block (A) to the lower center of the front subframe (B)
  2. Attach a transmission jack (C) to the center of the wood block
  3. Support the front subframe securely by raising the transmission jack
  4. Remove the front subframe mounting bolts (D) and the subframe rear stay mounting bolts (E).

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  1. Lower the jack slowly until the subframe of the body has dropped front side: about 40 mm (1.57 in) rear side: about 50 mm (1.97 in).

    NOTE: Do not lower the subframe more than required.

13.Stabilizer Bar - Remove

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  1. Remove the bushing holders (A)
  2. Remove the bushings (B)
  3. Move the stabilizer bar (C) toward the driver's side, and remove the stabilizer bar.

    NOTE : Be careful not to damage the steering gearbox.


1. Stabilizer Bar - Install

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Fig. 13: Stabilizer Bar Mount With Torque Specifications

  1. Install the stabilizer bar (A) from the driver's side.

    NOTE : Be careful not to damage the steering gearbox

  2. Install the bushings (B) on the stabilizer bar.

    NOTE :

    • Note the direction of installation for the bushing.
    • Align the paint marks (C) on the stabilizer bar with the side of the bushings.
  3. Install the bushing holders (D).

2. Front Subframe - Lift Up

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  1. Carefully raise the front subframe (A) with the transmission jack (B), and pass the pinion shaft into the driver's compartment.


    • Make sure the pinion shaft grommet (C) is securely in place.
    • Incorrect installation can cause leakage of water or mud, and noise.
  2. Loosely install the new front subframe mounting bolts (D) and the new subframe rear stay mounting bolts (E).

3. Front Subframe - Tighten

4. Torque Rod Mounting Bolt - Tighten

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Fig. 14: Torque Rod Mounting Bolt With Torque Specifications

5. Stabilizer Link - Connect

  1. Connect both sides of the stabilizer link to the stabilizer bar.

6. Propeller Shaft - Install

7. Under-Floor TWC - Install - Refer to: Warm Up TWC Removal and Installation (KA/KC), or Under-Floor TWC Removal and Installation (KA/KC)

8. Front Splash Shield - Install

9. Steering Joint - Connect

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  1. Cut the wire (A)
  2. Set the rack in the straight ahead driving position
  3. Slip the lower end of the steering joint (B) onto the pinion shaft (C).NOTE :
    • Pinion shaft with center guide: Install the steering joint by aligning the center guide (D).
    • Pinion shaft without center guide: Position the steering column by aligning the gap (E) within the angle.

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Fig. 15: Steering Joint With Torque Specifications

  1. Align the bolt hole (A) on the steering joint with the groove (B) around the pinion shaft
  2. Loosely install the new steering joint bolt (C)
  3. Be sure that the joint bolt is securely in the groove of the pinion shaft
  4. Tighten the steering joint bolt to the specified torque
  5. Pull on the steering joint to make sure that the steering joint is fully seated.

10.Steering Joint Cover - Install

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  1. Install the clip (A) and the push nuts (B) in the numbered sequence shown.NOTE: Check the steering joint cover for any damage and replace it with a new one if cracked.

11.Steering Wheel Holder - Remove

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12.Front Wheels - Install

13.Wheel Alignment - Check

14.VSA Sensor Neutral Position - Memorize


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