Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Emission Control Abbreviations (Gasoline & Diesel)

Honda HR-V (2015-2021) Service Manual / General Information / Emission Control Abbreviations (Gasoline & Diesel)



A/C Air Conditioning A/C-ISUS A/C Idle Speed-Up Solenoid A/F Air/Fuel AAI Air Assist Injector ACL Air Cleaner (Thermostatic Air Cleaner) ACL-BMS ACL Bimetallic Sensor ACL-CKV ACL Check Valve ACL-DV AC


BP/EGR Backpressure EGR System BP/EGR-BPS BP/EGR Backpressure Sensor BP/EGR-BPT BP/EGR Backpressure Transducer BP/EGR-BPV BP/EGR Backpressure Valve BP/EGR-BS BP/EGR Bleed Solenoid BP/EGR-BVSV BP/EGR B


C-4 Computer Controlled Catalytic Converter CAC Charge Air Cooler CAS Clean Air System CB Crankcase Breather CB-VC Crankcase Breather-Vapor Canister CBPS Coasting By-Pass System CBVC Crankcase Breathe


 DTC B0002-1A

Special Tools Required SRS Inflator Simulator 07SAZ-TB4011A SRS Simulator Lead J 070AZ-SNAA100 SRS Short Canceller 070AZ-SAA0100 NOTE: Before doing this troubleshooting procedure, find out if the vehicle was in a collision. If so, verify that all the required components were replaced with

 DTC U1281 (Gauge Control Module) Lost Communication With MICU (MICU Frame)

NOTE: Refer to the DTC code shown on the display, and then inspect the connectors and terminals based on the instructions in the table below. The DTC may be stored due to the grounding failure or the power source failure at the transmitting control unit (the grounding inspection and the pow

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