Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: DTC U3000-49 (Gauge Control Module) ECU Internal Circuit Malfunction

Honda HR-V (2015-2021) Service Manual / Accessories & Equipment / Gauge Control System - Diagnostics / DTC U3000-49 (Gauge Control Module) ECU Internal Circuit Malfunction

Gauge Control System - Diagnostics

DTC (Gauge Control Module)

1. Problem verification.

  1. Clear the DTCs with the HDS.

Clear DTCs

  1. Turn the vehicle to the OFF (LOCK) mode and then the ON mode.
  2. Wait for at least 6 seconds.
  3. Check for DTCs with the HDS.

Gauge Control System - Diagnostics

Is DTC U3000-49 indicated?


Replace the gauge control module.


Intermittent failure, the system is OK at this time.


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