Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

Honda HR-V (2015-2021) Service Manual / Accessories & Equipment / Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information



Removal & Installation

1. Driver's Dashboard Lower Cover - Remove

2. FCW OFF Switch - Remove

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

  1. Remove the FCW OFF switch (A).

3. All Removed Parts - Install

  1. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.


1. FCW OFF Switch - Test

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

  1. On the switch side, Check for continuity between the terminals in each switch position according to the table. If the switch does not works as described in the table, replace the FCW/LDW OFF switch.

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

  1. Check the LED for illumination by applying power and ground to the terminals according to the table.

    NOTE: This important operating characteristic; diode bias cause a diode to fully conduct electricity in one direction (forward), while not at all in the opposite direction (reverse). If the results are not as specified, replace the FCW/LDW OFF switch.


Removal & Installation

1. Driver's Dashboard Lower Cover - Remove

2. LDW OFF Switch - Remove

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

  1. Remove the LDW OFF switch (A).

3. All Removed Parts - Install

  1. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.


1. LDW OFF Switch - Test

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

  1. On the switch side, measure the resistance between the LDW OFF switch 12P connector terminals No. 8 and No. 11 according to the table. If there is no resistance in one or more positions, replace the FCW/LDW OFF switch.

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

  1. Check the LED for illumination by applying power and ground to the terminals according to the table.

    NOTE: This important operating characteristic; diode bias cause a diode to fully conduct electricity in one direction (forward), while not at all in the opposite direction (reverse).

    If the results are not as specified, replace the LDW OFF switch.

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

  1. Check the LED for illumination by applying power and ground to the terminals according to the table.

    NOTE: This important operating characteristic; diode bias cause a diode to fully conduct electricity in one direction (forward), while not at all in the opposite direction (reverse).

    If the results are not as specified, replace the LDW OFF switch.


Removal & Installation

1. Multi Purpose Camera Unit - Remove

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

  1. Detach the hooks (A), then remove the cover (B).

Driving Assistance Warning - Service Information

  1. Remove the multi purpose camera unit (A)
  2. Disconnect the connector (B).

2. All Removed Parts - Install

  1. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.

3. Multi Purpose Camera - Aim


     Driving Assistance Warning - Testing & Troubleshooting


    MULTIPURPOSE CAMERA AIMING Special Tools Required Honda Diagnostic System (HDS) MVCI unit with the latest control module (CM) update software installed Alignment Set 07AAJ-STKA210 Target Set 07AAK-



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