Honda HR-V Owners & Service Manuals

Honda HR-V: Cylinder Head Cover Removal and Installation


1. Harness Cover - Remove

2. Positive Cable and Connector (Alternator) - Disconnect

NOTE: Remove the positive cable clamp at the same time.

3. Cylinder Head Cover Harness Holder - Move

Cylinder Head Assembly - Service Information

  1. Disconnect the connectors (A)
  2. Move the harness holders (B).

4. Breather Hose - Disconnect

Cylinder Head Assembly - Service Information

  1. Remove the dipstick
  2. Disconnect the breather hose (A).

5. Cylinder Head Cover - Remove

Cylinder Head Assembly - Service Information


1. Cylinder Head Cover - Install

Cylinder Head Assembly - Service Information

  1. Thoroughly clean the head cover gasket and the groove of the cylinder head cover.

NOTE: Check and, if necessary, replace the head cover gasket.

  1. Install the head cover gasket in the groove of the cylinder head cover.

    Make sure the head cover gasket is seated securely.

Cylinder Head Assembly - Service Information

  1. Apply liquid gasket to the oil pump and the cylinder head mating areas.
  2. Loosely install the cylinder head cover.

Cylinder Head Assembly - Service Information
Fig. 1: Cylinder Head Cover Tightening Sequence With Torque Specifications

  1. Tighten the bolts in three steps; tighten the bolts until the bolts sit on the cylinder head cover, tighten the bolts until the gasket is compressed, tighten the bolts to specified torque.

2. Breather Hose - Connect

Cylinder Head Assembly - Service Information

  1. Install the dipstick
  2. Connect the breather hose (A).

3. Cylinder Head Cover Harness Holder - Install

Cylinder Head Assembly - Service Information
Fig. 2: Cylinder Head Cover Harness Holder With Torque Specifications

  1. Install the harness holders (A)
  2. Connect the connectors (B).

4. Positive Cable and Connector (Alternator) - Connect

NOTE: Install the positive cable clamp at the same time.

5. Harness Cover - Install



1. Liquid Gasket - Apply


  • Remove all of the old liquid gasket of the mating surfaces of each part and clean.
  • Apply liquid gasket (P/N 08717-0004, 08718-0003, or 08718-0009). Install the component within 5 minutes of applying the liquid gasket.
  • If too much time has passed after applying the liquid gasket, remove the old liquid gasket and residue, then reapply new liquid gasket.
  • Wait at least 30 minutes before filling the engine with oil.
  • Do not run the engine for at least 3 hours after installing the parts.

Cylinder Head Assembly - Service Information

Cylinder Head Assembly - Service Information


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